I found an
article on Austin American Statesman's website that I agree with. The author of the article is Tim Eaton
who's duties are to write about The House, gambling, insurance, agriculture, and health care reform. This article was about the possibilities of expanding the legality of gambling in Texas. He goes to explain that in the upcoming Legislative session, the topic is thought to have some merit due to the increasing budget shortfalls in Texas. We are thought to be looking at a $18 billion shortcoming.
I completely agree that Texas is past due for legalizing gambling. The article above talks mainly about just allowing race track owners to have slot machines onsite. But if you look at the long term, I really think Texas should look at allowing full scale casinos to be permitted. Currently, adults travel to either Louisiana or Oklahoma by car, or even Las Vegas to spend their hard earned money. That means we are allowing other states to capitalize on the taxes from this money. Texans are spending billions of dollars in states other than Texas. What a shame, what a waste. Pennsylvania approved slot machines at race tracks to lure gamblers back from West Virginia who allowed the machines. But a short time after that, lawmakers voted to allow table games. This really speaks to the idea that if you're going to allow any gambling, I feel that you should just allow full casinos. I don't understand the idea that morally it's ok to play a slot machine, but it's not ok to play a hand of blackjack.
While there may be some social costs to the out of control gamblers, I think it's still a winning proposition.
Jack Pratt who works for the Texas Gaming Association is requesting that Texas add 12 "world-class destination resort casinos" across the state. I love the idea. For a change, lets get our neighboring states to come to Texas and contribute to our revenues!
I guess this topic resonates with me because my wife and I actually enjoy going to the casinos in Louisiana. My parents go there often. While I don't love losing my money at a casino, I'd still rather lose it in Texas and benefit my state, my children's education and my taxes.
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